As I read through the novel “Three Day Road” , I noticed that many archetypal themes and characters were present. In order to find these archetypes, I had to dig a bit deeper into the text because these details were subtle. The characters that I found to have recurring archetypal types of personalities were: Xavier – the protagonist, Elijah – Xavier’s best friend, and Niska – Xavier’s aunt, also a protagonist. From what I understood, Xavier portrays the characteristic of the outcast and some of the hero. Xavier’s character is very hard to analyze as he is one who doesn’t talk much, if at all. As the narrator, he mainly describes events rather than his feelings. I found that Xavier is similar to the Hero because he stands for what he believes for and displays acts of courage, but also differs because he doesn’t feel the need to earn the credit for doing good in the world. When Xavier overhears the other soldiers speaking, “’It’s Elijah that’s the killer,’ Grey Eyes says suddenly. ‘...